Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A New Beginning

Rewind to early December. I walked in to work thinking it was a normal day and  instead found out that my company was getting rid of a bunch of jobs (mine included). Of course, I immediatly panicked! This was supposed to be the company I worked for until I retired. The good news was I got to keep my job until May or June.

I have a bachelors degree in exercise science and my original plan was to continue schooling and eventually become a Physical Therapist. Life happened and my dreams changed. I met my husband and we started our family. My priorities changed from my dreams to our dreams and I realized I no longer wanted to continue going to school with my young son at home. So, I eventually found a full time job outside of the home.

This job; that I just found out I would be losing in a few short months. So now I had a big decision to make, go back to school or look for another job.

The very next day I was contacted by Michaels and asked to design a few crochet patterns for their spring & Easter photo shoot AND another company involved in the yarn industry (but this part is secret for now ;) ). It was like the universe was speaking to me! I had been researching crochet carreers and crocheting like mad for my Etsy shop for a few years, so it was an incredible opportunity.

This of course left me wondering,: should I work at this current job through my end date and try to make this crochet dream a reality or should I look for another day job? If I choose crochet, it could fail. In fact it could completely bomb and I could have to go out looking for a new day job again. But I'll never know unless I give it a shot.
Follow along with me on this crochet journey. Even if I have to go back to "a day job", I'll still crochet like mad because once you find your passion, you don't just let it go.

**This was originally my first post on the blog. I edited a few things due to typing errors and it republished the post.**


  1. Well, it is fortunate for me that blogger reposted this for me to find because I can totally relate! My full-time position was eliminated in 2010 and I've been crocheting like mad since then as well. I look forward to following your blog!

  2. Thanks Sherri! It's been fun so far, I can't wait to see how it all plays out :)
